Shropshire Star

MP's warning over Nord Stream 2

Shrewsbury's MP has warned the Prime Minister against the "clear dangers" of the new undersea gas pipeline running from Russia to Europe, Nord Stream 2.

Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski

Daniel Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, wrote to Theresa May with his concerns about Nord Stream 2 saying that appropriate weight must be given to "security concerns" over the pipeline, "particularly in light of this recent disrupting Russian behaviour in the UK and beyond".

Mr Kawczynski says in the letter: "We now need to speak with one voice against the clear dangers of the Nord Stream 2 project, which would result in the Kremlin obtaining mindboggling economic and political leverage against the continent of Europe.

"This is undesirable from a broad geopolitical perspective. It also violates EU rules on the common energy solidarity.

"It is not enough for the UK to recognise concerns over this project - the Government must act."

He added that the EU has already concluded that energy dependence, "particularly on Russia", leaves many countries vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether caused by political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure".

Mr Kawczynski highlighted a previous gas dispute in 2009 between Russia and the Ukraine which left a number of EU countries with severe shortages.

He added that the EU imports more than half the energy that it consumes, an import bill of more than €1 billion a day.

But he says he is "encouraged" that the UK Government makes it clear that it takes seriously the concerns raised over the Nord Stream 2 project, and that the recent Brexit White Paper "makes it clear that the UK is seeking broad energy cooperation with the EU, and supports the recent trend towards greater interconnectivity within the EU that has brought mutual benefits to trading partners, including improved security of supply".

Mr Kawczynski ends the letter saying the Government needs to gather support for EU-wide energy solidarity and back efforts to refer Germany to the European Court of Justice over this "hazardous" project.

Nord Stream was laid in 2011 and is the longest undersea pipeline in the world. Nord Stream 2 is scheduled to become operational between 2019 and 2020 and construction started in May this year.