Shropshire Star

Author launching new novel at Shrewsbury Library

Shrewsbury author Judy Arliss is launching her latest book in the Hobbs Room at Shrewsbury Library on February 4.

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Shrewsbury Library

The launch, from 10.30am to 12.30pm, has free entry and light refreshments will be available.

The book is a novel called Natalie and Nassima.

Judy says it is a love story which she wrote 26 years ago.

"It is based on stuff I have learned in 80 years," she said.

In the novel Natalie is approaching her 40th birthday and dreading it, while Nassima is an 'everywoman'.

The book explores issues of equality, feminism, life choices, and men's and women's issues for today.

It is paperback and costs £7.50.

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