Shropshire Star

Colour run helps raise more than £25k for charity

More than 700 runners spent their morning being doused in colour as they helped raise what could be up to £30,000 for charity.

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Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.

The Lingen Davies Colour run took place on Saturday morning at the Sansaw Estate, Hadnall – with the recent rain taking a much-appreciated break as the runners lined up for the start.

With music, refreshments, and a barbecue the event provided a carnival atmosphere as those taking part set off in three separate groups, all with one thing in common – getting covered in powdered paint on their way round the 5k course.

Lizzy Coleman, fundraising events lead at Lingen Davies, which works to support cancer patients and raise awareness about cancer in the wider community, said that they had been overwhelmed with the support for the event – which had raised £25,000 by Friday, and could top £30,000 by the time the final count is taken.

She said: "The atmosphere was incredible. We had so much rain this week and thank heaven it was dry today.

"There was a super happy atmosphere, the music was blaring, people were having so much fun getting covered in powder, it was wonderful to see.

"We have people there supporting family, supporting friends, and a lot of people saying they know the centre and they had used it, or their family or friends have. I think around 70 to 80 per cent of people there have a connection with Lingen Davies."

Becky Reece and Amy Dunphy, who took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Dave Evans, Andy Haywood and Dave Porter, who took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.

The team also had their Lingen Davies Van on site – showing some of those taking part how the charity spends its money.

The van, which is used to visit people and events across the county, provides the charity with a chance to raise awareness of the symptoms of cancer and how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Lizzy said it was great for people to be able to support the charity while enjoying themselves.

The Rainbow Rockets who took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.

She said: "The colour run is a really fun way to support us. It is a really fun morning going around with the family, getting covered with powder and you can still support us and raise money."

Lizzy said the events are a major part in making sure that Lingen Davies can keep providing services to people in Shropshire.

"These events are hugely important. This one I hope will raise £30,000 for us and we have another couple of big events to come this year.

Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Around 750 people took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.
Gemma Reed and her daughter Josie took part in the Lingen Davies Colour Run.

"It raises a huge amount of money that is vital for us to fund excellent cancer services for people in Shropshire, and that is what it is about – keeping excellent services in Shropshire so people do not have to travel to Birmingham or Wolverhampton."

Lizzy also paid tribute to the 60 volunteers who helped the event run smoothly, and the corporate sponsors who backed the day.

She said: "A massive thank you to everyone who came and made the day possible. Our volunteers who were there were fantastic. We could not do it without them. There were about 60 volunteers and they are vital to making it happen.

"Also, thank you to our corporate sponsors, Base Architects, Reech Media, Aico, PCB Solicitors, Foden Solicitors, Thomas Consulting, and Henshalls Insurance Brokers, for their invaluable support."