Shropshire Star

Organist returning to Shrewsbury for recital

An organist who grew up in Shrewsbury is returning to the county town to perform this weekend.

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Shrewsbury Abbey

Richard Pilliner will be delivering an organ recital at Shrewsbury Abbey on Saturday, August 19, at midday.

Mr Pilliner is a freelance organist based in the South London area.

He studied at the Royal Academy of Music and has had an active recital career, both at home and abroad.

Recital locations include the USA, Moscow, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Notre Dame in Paris.

A spokesman for Shrewsbury Abbey said: "Having no tied church position, he loves to deputise at churches where traditional music, organ and choir are still valued.

"Richard also has connections with Shrewsbury Abbey. He grew up in Shrewsbury before taking up his place at the Royal Academy in 1976.

"He sang in St Chad’s choir and his late father sang in the Abbey choir under John Stanier many years before.

"Richard gave a recital in the Abbey on August 7, 2019, before the 2020/21 work to renovate and complete the Hill organ. He will notice some changes – all for the better."

The recital is free and there will be a retiring collection for the continued upkeep of the Abbey organ.

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