Shropshire Star

Proud grandchildren plan to show love to beloved Papa who has terminal cancer

Four loving grandchildren are fundraising as a way of saying how much they love their 'Papa' while he is still alive.

Family picture showing, from left: Tom (19), Emily (16), Mollie (21) and Josh (23) with their beloved grandma Susan and Papa Tim

The family of Tim Hughes, aged 76, of London Road, Shrewsbury, have come to terms with a drastic recent deterioration in his outlook and are planning to climb Snowdon within weeks while they still have time left.

Mr Hughes' wife Susan, 77, said: "I am incredibly proud of my four grandchildren, Josh, Mollie, Tom and Emily and what they are doing for Tim.

"Tim has prostate cancer and it is now terminal and we are coming to terms that their grandfather is not far from the end."

Tim is being cared by the Severn Hospice Hospice at Home service which Mrs Hughes described as a "most wonderful service".

"They discussed what Tim would like the money for and he wants it to go to Severn Hospice.

So far they have raised £6,750 towards a £7,500 target, with money coming from 154 donations online in just eight days.

The couple have had two children, James Hughes and Katie Lenc, with Josh, 23, and Mollie, 21, from Katie and Tom, aged 19, and Emily, aged 16, being James's children.

Mollie has set up the GoFundMe page saying "We wanted to complete this challenge while we still have Papa with us to show him how much he means to us all.

"Our names are Josh, Mollie, Tom and Emily and we are fundraising for Severn Hospice by climbing up Snowdon.

"In 2019, Papa, our grandfather/Tim Hughes, was diagnosed with aggressive Stage 5 Prostate Cancer.

"He underwent a course of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy which started at the end of 2019 and ended in 2020.

"Fortunately he responded incredibly well to the treatment, which controlled the disease and allowed him to enjoy life as much as he could with his devoted wife and our grandma - Baba/Sue - and his family and friends.

"However, since April 2023 he has deteriorated drastically and is now being looked after by Severn Hospice at home who support him day to day and also support our Grandma."

Mr Hughes, an architect, with Hughes and Abbott until he retired in 2018, spent the last 17 years of his working life designing buildings at Concord College.

Mrs Hughes said: "He will have that as a legacy as well as his wonderful children and grandchildren."

To contribute to the Go Fund Me campaign, you can visit: