Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury takeaway proposal rejected by council planning officers

Plans have been refused for a fast-food takeaway to be opened in Shrewsbury after concerns were raised over the impact of noise on neighbouring homes.

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The Shopping Parade in Tilstock Crescent where a takeaway was proposed to open. Picture: Google

Proposals would have seen a former retail premises in Tilstock Crescent turned into a takeaway and the installation of an extraction hood, a fire door and internal alterations to allow for storage.

Applicant Sheet Anchor Investments said that proposed premises at Unit 8, Shopping Parade, is currently vacant and was previously a ‘small retail shop’.

“The process will be delivery of stock food and other – preparation of food in a clean hygienic manor,” said the applicant.

“Cooking and serving of the food to customers. Cooking of the food will be on a commercial hob flat plate unit with a commercial extraction unit placed above with a flat roof outlet.”

Shrewsbury Town Council was ‘neutral’ over the planning application. One objection was submitted which highlighted that there is already a fast food premises in Shopping Parade.

“We are only a matter of a few yards from the proposed site and we think that the proposal will bring more noise, vermin and rubbish from the proposed outlet,” said the objector.

“There are three houses adjacent to the footpath by the site which would suffer a much greater degree of nuisance.

“We are led to understand that this outlet will be open to early morning, again this is disturbing in a residential area. Especially with food delivery services available now.

“There are many fast food outlets locally already, this one is not required.”

The objector also raised concerns about parking problems in the area of the proposed takeaway.

In response Shropshire Council planning officer Didi Kizito said: “While comments have been raised in regards to parking, it is noted there are vehicle parking spaces available and given the premises is within a favourably sustainable location it is not considered that the proposal would raise significant transport impacts.”

Shropshire Council’s regulatory service department raised their objection to the plans, stating that insufficient information had been submitted for them to assess the proposals "particularly with respect to potential noise and odour impact upon nearby residential properties from the commercial kitchen extract system".

That objection resulted in the planning officer refusing the proposal.

Mr Kizito concluded: “The site is very close to residential dwellings, and no noise or odour impact assessments have been submitted as part of this application. As such the LPA (local planning authority) is unable to assess the impact of noise and odour on residents.

“The application therefore fails to safeguard residential amenity and is therefore contrary to Core Strategy policy.”