Shropshire Star

Kidical Mass: 10 heartwarming photos as people of all ages enjoy safe, secure cycling in Shrewsbury

They came, they saw, and they cycled as more than 170 people of all ages made Shrewsbury's Kidical Mass bike-riding event one of the biggest in the country.


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Riders young and old came with cargo bikes, trailers, and even training wheels to the meet-up on Sunday morning at the William Clement Memorial obelisk in the Quarry Park, near Stop Café at St Julian Friars, to take a leisurely ride around town.

Copthorne councillor Rob Wilson, who helped organise the ride with local residents, said: "The turnout puts us amongst the biggest Kidical Mass events in the country.

Kidical Mass
Kidical Mass

"It was a really fantastic turnout, there is obviously a lot of latent demand for people to get out and ride bikes."

Kidical Mass

Mr Wilson says Shrewsbury is a good place to bring up children and it was great to see so many families out and about.

Kidical Mass

The second Kidical Mass ride followed the first event last summer, but people won't have to wait so long for the next one. It is becoming a regular event on the third Sunday of every month until September. The next one will be on May 19.

Kidical Mass
Kidical Mass

"It's really nice seeing really young children being safe and secure on their bikes," said Mr Wilson.

Kidical Mass
Kidical Mass

The ride is free and organised by local residents and was timed to coincide with a national action day for Safe Streets Now, a campaign highlighting the need for safer walking and cycling options for local communities.

Kidical Mass

The town centre was closed to traffic during the event, which was sponsored by Dave Mellor Cycles of Frankwell.