Shropshire Star

Plaque installed in memory of Shrewsbury market's butcher legend

Shrewsbury's mayor has unveiled a plaque in memory of a popular Shrewsbury Market Hall trader.


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Mayor Becky Wall unveiled the plaque, dedicated to butcher William Dodd, in an informal public ceremony at Shrewsbury Market Hall this week.

Will, one of the market’s longest-serving traders, died aged 65 last September after battling an illness for 11 weeks in hospital.

He had been a butcher for 50 years and ran his own business, William Dodd Butchers, for over 30 years. 22 of those years were spent in the market hall, where he worked alongside his wife Dawn.

William Dodd died aged 65 last September

Traders and members of Will’s family attended the ceremony, including Dawn, their daughters Claire, Lisa, Kaley and his grandchildren.

“Will Dodd was a gentleman, someone who wouldn’t think twice about helping others, a man who worked very hard for his family all of his life only to be taken too soon," said market officer Rob Miles in a citation read before the unveiling.

“For many years to come, his devoted family and friends can bring future generations to visit this tribute to a well-loved trader of the market. As long as this plaque hangs in our town, Will’s memory will live on.”

Shrewsbury's mayor, Councillor Becky Wall, unveiled the plaque dedicated to Will this week

Will’s widow, Dawn said: “This is a lovely gesture. A big thank you to Shrewsbury Town Council for arranging the plaque and to the Mayor for taking the time to mark this occasion.

“I’d like to thank everybody, Shropshire Council and Shrewsbury Town Council who have given us their support and shown great kindness over the past few months.”

Will's daughter, Claire Evans, said: “This means a lot to our family. Will was not only an amazing market trader, he was a truly amazing dad and granddad.”

A popular figure in Shrewsbury, hundreds of people gathered outside the market hall before his funeral last October, to applaud Will as his funeral cortege took him on his final journey.