Shropshire Star

We asked Shrewsbury folk for their election views - and it doesn't look good for the Conservatives

Conservative election candidate Daniel Kawczynski faces the fight of his political life to hold on to the Shrewsbury seat he dramatically won in 2005.

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A survey carried out by the Shropshire Star on Tuesday afternoon in the town's Market Hall didn't find anyone to say that they would be voting for Rishi Sunak's blue party.

Before 2005, Labour had taken the seat from the Conservatives when the country as a whole swung decisively behind Tony Blair and his New Labour project in 1997.

But then Labour's Paul Marsden only took it with a majority of 1,670 and Mr Kawczynski's first majority was only 1,808 out of a total turnout of 50,296.

His December 2019 majority of 11,217 is more the exception than the rule for the seat's recent history.

If the national polls are to be believed, Labour's Julia Buckley is set to turn that on its head and sweep in for her party when the country votes in the General Election on July 4.

But we did not find the same kind of pro-Labour enthusiasm that was undoubtedly there when Blair came to power. The feeling is more anti-Conservative, after they have held onto the reins of Government for nearly a decade and a half, than a vote of confidence in Keir Starmer.

Heading out on to the streets of Shrewsbury to speak to voters, one gets the sense that people are fed up with the Conservatives and they aren't particularly keen on Mr Kawczynski himself.

But for some of those people, which way they will decide to vote is still up for grabs. We met people who were keen on Liberal Democrat councillor Alex Wagner and will vote for him.

For the first time in her voting life Carol Beard, is set not to vote Conservative.

General Election vox and Shrewsbury Market Hall. In Picture: Carol Beard.

"I do not know who I am going to vote for, it is the first time I have had such a conundrum," said the Shrewsbury resident.

"I'm looking for someone to do something for our town and I think Daniel has let us down. I have always voted for him but I think we have been let down by the Conservatives for so long.

"I was put off by Boris when he got in, he was a bit of a buffoon - and then there was Truss.