Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury tapas bar battle: Decision made after 'terrified' residents oppose alcohol plan

An alcohol licence has been granted for a new town centre tapas bar.

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The application for the Mexican restaurant Bobby's, at The Parade, St Marys Place, Shrewsbury, proved highly contentious.

Passionate objectors packed into two rooms at Shirehall, in Shrewsbury, on Wednesday this to hear a debate between objectors and the applicants.

Residents spoke of their fears for the loss of their quiet life if permission was granted.

The applicants said they would bring new life into the struggling shops.

Now the three councillor committee, which made the decision in private, has briefly announced the result.

They have decided to grant the application, with conditions.

Crowds of objectors filed in to Shirehall to hear the debate

A statement for Shropshire Council said: "It is the decision of the Licensing Act Sub-Committee, following the hearing held on 24th July 2024 to grant the premises licence for the premises Bobby’s 25/26 The Parade, St Marys Place, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DL, subject to additional conditions being added to the premises licence for the promotion of the four licensing objectives, in particular the prevention of public nuisance."

The council has been asked for more details on the reasons for the decision and the conditions the business will have to operate under.

Residents, the applicants and the landlord of the building have been asked for their reactions.

The meeting heard that Bobby’s would be a restaurant where people are allowed to drink and “vertical” drinking at the bar would not be allowed.

Some 79 objections had originally been lodged with six withdrawn after the applicants made concessions.

Shrewsbury BID board member Viv Bhatia, who is a director of Dough & Oil, spoke with equal passion that the application represents the future of the town.

The terrace area at The Parade Shopping Centre

“We are here as responsible operators of Dough & Oil and Oil ” he said.

He added that St Mary’s Place is a mixed used building and it is “struggling” and in need of something different.

“Dough & Oil is family friendly and Bobby’s will be the same.”

But residents are so concerned some of them got together and engaged a specialist barrister, Duncan Craig, through solicitors at Hatchers, to fight their corner.

He said the application had caused a “huge amount of alarm” and slammed the licensing application as not being up to scratch.

He asked the committee, if they are minded to approve it, to impose a condition that bans the drinking of alcohol on the terrace after 5pm and not at all on Sundays.

The meeting was told that anyone who disagrees with the decision would then have 21 days to appeal to magistrates.