Shropshire Star

New town 'parklet' in place – and more could be on the way

There is a new way of relaxing and spending time in Shrewsbury – in a new town-centre ‘parklet.’


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The new addition is part of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership’s work to encourage people to “linger for longer” in the town centre.

The partnership says the first parklet in St Julian’s Friars is intended to serve as a trial, with the option of introducing more in other areas if it proves to be popular.

Taking the form of a cafe-style bar with built-in stools, it will provide a different way for people to sit and eat, have a coffee or simply relax.

A family enjoy the new parklet in Shrewsbury. Picture: Aaron Childs – Highly Flammable Studios.

Seb Slater, executive director of Shrewsbury BID, which is part of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership, said similar initiatives had been successful elsewhere in the UK and in Europe.

“These parklets are designed to fit into tight spaces to ensure we make the best use of every corner of our town centre,” he said.

“It’s all about giving people even more reason to linger for longer in the centre of Shrewsbury – seating areas are proven to increase dwell-time, which is beneficial for the town centre as a whole.

“We would like to thank the town council for enabling us to use their land for the installation, and for providing floral arrangements to add an extra bit of colour.

“This particular installation at St Julian’s Friars is very much a trial to see what reaction we get, both from members of the public and businesses. We will shortly be launching a survey to gather feedback, and – if it is successful - then we hope to introduce other parklets in appropriate spots around the town.”

Councillor Alan Mosley, Leader of Shrewsbury Town Council and member of the Big Town Plan Partnership, said: “I think these parklets are a great idea, and I know they have worked well in other towns, so I am keen to see how they are received here in Shrewsbury.

“We hope people will enjoy sitting in our wonderful town, perhaps with a coffee or an ice cream bought from a nearby business, helping to grow our local economy as well as simply providing a pleasant place to relax.”

Co-owner of stop. coffee shop, Mike Dalton, said: “The seats are a great addition for the summer season, and I’m sure both ours and Gelatistry’s customers will make use of them. We’re very grateful to the Big Town Plan for providing them.”

Councillor Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s representative on the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership, added: “The whole aim of the Big Town Plan is to work together to ensure Shrewsbury continues to evolve and grow as a town centre.

“Initiatives like this, although small in nature, are all part of the wider aim of creating a welcoming environment which encourages people to visit and spend more time in the centre.”

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