Shropshire Star

Residents on rutted 'danger road' at end of tether after two-year wait for repairs

A lane connecting to a busy Shropshire A-road is so rutted and damaged that it is a 'danger' according to fed up residents.


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Locals in the Affcot area near Craven Arms in south Shropshire have been campaigning for two years to get repairs to the busy lane completed but it still hasn't been done.

The authorities say that the bad weather caused the work to be delayed last month but they will be back.

Resident Nicola Apperley said: "There are so many potholes at the junction that you have to go onto the other side of the road to avoid them, which is a danger if someone turns in at the same time."

She added that it was also dangerous because of the lack of grip in the road surface, and having to pull out onto the A49. The road is used by lorries to local businesses.

"It is definitely dangerous and needs to be done as soon as possible. People have been complaining every day for a couple of years. They were getting complaints on a daily basis."

The potholed lane in the Affcot area near Craven Arms