Shropshire Star

£1,000 court bill and six points for driver who 'failed to give name of driver for offence'

A man has been handed a huge court bill and six penalty points for allegedly failing to give the name of a car driver that was snapped by a speed camera.


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Ben Stephen J Foxall, aged 27, of Market Street, Craven Arms, was dealt with by Bodmin Magistrates Court and had the case against him proved under the controversial single justice procedure.

Sitting on June 11 the court heard that a Ford Fiesta had been snapped in Helston, Cornwall, by a speed camera in a 30mph zone on October 27, 2023.

The court was told that on December 4, 2023 Foxall had failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver of the vehicle.

The court reached a verdict that the case had been proved under the single justice procedure without Foxall being present.

Foxall was fined £660, and ordered to pay a victims surcharge of £264 plus costs of £90.

His driving record was endorsed with six points.

Foxall has been given until July 9, this year to arrange payment of the £1,014 that he now owes the Crown.

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