Shropshire Star

The Final Countdown - Shropshire record breaker Tom becomes a television star

A Shropshire student has become the centre of attention after setting records on hit TV game show Countdown.

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Tom Stevenson on Countdown

Tom Stevenson, from Burford, near Ludlow, won all eight of the rounds he took part in on Countdown - the first contestant to do so - gained the highest score in one programme of 154 and set the record time for solving a conundrum, of three seconds.

The 21-year-old is studying at Worcester University and speaking to the Shropshire Star, said just this morning he had been asked for a selfie when working on reception and two other people had recognised him.

He said: "The attention has exploded since I was on the programme, I have received so many calls, messages - including best wishes from Colin Murray and the rest of the team - plus requests for interviews from media outlets.

"In my mind I achieved what I set out to, which was have some fun and just win one game. It went from there and I didn't expect to do so well let alone win all my games.

"My family and friends are really proud and I am glad I have been able to give them something to talk about to their friends because it does seem to be all anybody is talking about - it's been great."

It wasn't the first time Tom has been a quiz winner - he also appeared on BBC Radio Two's Popmaster, winning with 24 points.

Tom will now go onto the finals of the programme to be recorded in two weeks time and shown in December, with a champion-of-champions appearance also in the pipeline.