Shropshire Star

Riverside party for Ludlow flood scheme

Food, drink, jazz and poetry beside the river will be put on to make money for a flood prevention and protection project.


The Riverside Reveries evening will take place at Dinham Millennium Green from 6pm to 8pm on September 15.

Friends of the Corve and Teme, a voluntary residents group started to address flooding issues in the area, will be holding the fund-raising event and hope it will help pay for a flood risk mapping project.

Group chairman Rosemary Wood said: “Our event will include a glass of Pimms, canapés, music by Vintage Jazz Revival, and poetry.

"We are hoping that some of the people attending will write a poem celebrating the Corve or the Teme, and read this out during the evening. Those ‘non-poets’ in our midst can eat, drink, talk and enjoy the music."

She said the group was continuing to undertake a flood mapping survey of people and properties at risk.

"We are working with the Environment Agency, Shropshire Highways, Shropshire Flood and Water Management Team and Severn Trent Water, and – depending on the picture which emerges from this data-gathering exercise – wider protection can be bid for through Flood Defence Grant Aid.

"If appropriate, Shropshire Council could apply for funding. To this end, and in strict confidence, we will be circulating a questionnaire within the catchment to enable us to record relevant information.

“To do this efficiently, we will need to purchase a number of ‘fit-for-purpose’ large-scale maps covering a wide area. We will also incur printing, postage and stationery expenses. The income from Riverside Reveries will contribute to these costs."

Tickets are £10 and available from Mrs Wood at or on 01584 875438. More information is available at the group's website at