Shropshire Star

Shropshire Council ‘turning blind eye to Ludlow parking needs’

A mayor is calling on his town to be treated the same as Shrewsbury when it comes to Shropshire Council’s new parking strategy.

Ludlow has different needs to Shrewsbury when it comes to parking, says the town's mayor

While concessions appear to be being made for the county town, Tim Gill, who also sits on the town council, feels that Ludlow is being left behind.

Last week it was revealed that Shropshire Council is rethinking plans to extend the charging period on Frankwell car park in Shrewsbury, and on Monday the council leader said that no decision had been made in relation to the town’s on-street charges.

But Councillor Gill said: “Once again Shropshire Council seems to be blind to the needs of our town, if not, indeed, down-right hostile.

“Whilst I welcome the fact that, as far as Shrewsbury’s is concerned, council officer Shaun Sutton is now looking at the parking 'proposals very seriously' and, council leader Peter Nutting has said that the 'on-street charges are on hold,' it begs the question, What about Ludlow?

“We face the same draconian proposals as Shrewsbury, increases in on-street parking charges and the charging time extended to 8pm and the reduction in time for ‘pop and shop’.

"Also our vibrant market is now being targeted. Ludlow market is one of Ludlow’s core visitor attractions.

"It helps to create a healthy and vibrant heart to the town and therefore the needs of the market traders must be understood and addressed.

"Yet there is no suggestion that Ludlow’s parking proposals are being looked at ‘very seriously’.

"Also, why is Ludlow being compared to Shrewsbury in the proposals?

“Shropshire Council is obsessed with a ‘one model to fit all’ as far as parking is concerned.

"It takes no account of the rich diversity of our local towns and their differing needs.

“No where in the proposals is any attempt made by Shropshire Council to assess the economic impact these proposals will have on Ludlow and other towns.

Shropshire Council was not available for comment.