Shropshire Star

Public meeting so successful it could lead to a Citizen's Assembly

A packed public meeting in Ludlow could lead to the formation of a Citizen's Assembly for the town.

A bus negotiating a Ludlow town centre. Picture: Andy Boddington

The Residents' meeting called by campaigner, Darren Childs was held in the Women's Centre.

The topics raised by the speakers focused on the proposals for Ludlow Hospital, parking and bus routes into and within the town and empty properties, specifically concerns about the future of the old Costa building and its adjoining neighbour, the old Barclays Bank building.

Concerns were also expressed at the lack of action and lack of information about the status of the town wall, which collapsed over 10 years ago.

Mr Childs said: "Everyone recognised the difficulties in influencing policy decisions at Shropshire Council, including the two councillors who were present and who spoke – Tracey Huffer and Andy Boddington. However, it was also recognised that the energy apparent yesterday afternoon needs to be harnessed and channelled into productive action."

He said that, as a first step, another meeting was planned within the next month to discuss the empty properties.

"Research will have been undertaken in the intervening weeks to try and produce a register of properties and, where possible, the owners/landlords."

He said the follow-up meeting would also try to obtain up to date information from Ludlow Town Council regarding the town wall.

"A further outcome from yesterday is a determination to look at establishing a Citizen’s Assembly."

Councillor Andy Boddington said: "I was impressed by the quality of the comments and how much people were engaged and informed by what was happening locally."

"I hope this will be the first of a series of meetings. There is a need to engage younger people and those who come from the areas with high social deprivation. However, my experience is that they don’t come to meetings. It is probably more effective to engage with them online."

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