Shropshire Star

Ludlow Castle concerts bid to be decided by licensing committee

A plan to hold more music events at an historic Shropshire castle is set to be decided next week.

Ludlow Castle was the venue for a series of big-name concerts last year

The scheme proposed by event organisers FutureSound Ltd would see eight live music concerts held within the grounds of Ludlow Castle over the summer, following an amendment from an original application for 15 events.

During a public consultation period held in December, the application attracted a number of complaints from residents in the nearby Dinham area, but also some expressions of support from town residents.

Four successful events were previously staged by the organisers at Ludlow Castle last year.

Conditions called for by West Mercia Police include agreed numbers of security personnel to manage the event, and a strict drugs and weapons policy.

They also requested that bag and person searches were implemented as a condition of entry.

Shropshire Council’s public safety team have requested a detailed events management plan, while the authority’s licensing team have requested the number of events be limited to eight and strict limits on noise, with a curfew of 10.30pm, as conditions for their support of the application.

Their conditions also state that weekday events should last no more than six hours, with a limit of eight at weekends, with no single event lasting for more than four consecutive days.

“19 representations have been received against the application, with concerns in respect of the four licensing objectives,” read a summary report set to be put before the licensing committee next week.

“These relate to the potential noise nuisance from the outdoor regulated entertainment, before, during and after the event along with concerns in relation to numbers in attendance and the anti-social behaviour that could be caused.

“Four supporting representations have also been received, who believe the application is positive for community.”

Shropshire Council will now decide the future of the application, with the option of refusal or granting the licence with specified conditions and restrictions attached.

A meeting of council’s licensing committee on Tuesday, January 23, will make a final decision.

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