Shropshire Star

Missing cat no longer Jinx-ed as owner gets him back after THREE MONTHS

A cat which vanished 14 weeks ago with no sightings at all until last week, has returned home.

Daniella and Jinx the cat back together after 14 weeks.

Jinx, who became a local celebrity around Kington thanks to a widespread campaign to find him, showed up on a farm last week.

He had been missing since 5am on April 28.

His owner Daniella McKenzie is thrilled to have him home, although she is still in shock that he has been found after she spent 14 weeks crying about him.

Daniella has had Jinx since he was 12 weeks old from the Cat’s Protection in Hereford and he is now 12.

She said: “The feeling of having him back is like no other. I’m still in shock as I’d started to accept that I may never see him again and he’s been my best friend since I was about 17.

“I’m so thrilled, I just cried my eyes out when they called and told me it was him and he was alive.

“When he went missing it was the worst feeling in the world, I didn’t know whether he’d gone off to die, whether he was taken - as you hear horror stories of people using cats for bait - so I had all this going through my head.

“I’ve spent 14 weeks crying about him, so when he was found, it was like a weight had been lifted. I am so happy and I feel so lucky!”

The people at the farm where Jinx turned up gained his trust and caught him over a week and a scan showed via his microchip that it was him.

Daniella, who lives in The Square, said she had no idea where Jinx ha been, despite a huge campaign to find him locally.

“We put up posters, he was all over Facebook and everyone has been amazing at keeping an eye out for him.

“I joined a lot of missing cat pages, he became a little celebrity,” said Daniella, who works at Kingspan in Pembridge.

Jinx has been quite poorly as he was severely dehydrated and survived on next to nothing but a couple of days at the vets, where he was given fluids and some tests as he was anaemic and after some love and care, he is now doing well.

Daniella added; “I just need to fatten him up a bit which he doesn’t mind as he loves his food!

“He seemed to just be so thankful when he came home, he was so loving and clingy, it’s like he was so grateful to be found.

“He’s housebound for a little while now until he builds up his strength but he’s fine. It’s wonderful to have him back.”

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