Shropshire Star

'It has been an absolute joke' - Telford firm in legal threat to council over floods at its base

A Telford business is looking to take a council to court after flooding cost it thousands of pounds in losses and repairs.

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Some of the flooding at Unique Copiers

It is also calling on other businesses with similar problems to come forward.

Telford’s Unique Copiers, based in a council-owned building on St Georges Industrial Estate, said persistent flooding has cost it about £100,000 in losses and thousands of pounds have also been spent on repairs.

And the rain on Thursday meant staff had to be sent home once again and crates which were used to access the building floated away.

Adrian Casey

Bosses also believe they are not safe in the rented building due to blocked fire exits.

But Telford & Wrekin Council says it has done “extensive” work to solve the problem and says recent issues are caused by problems out of its control.

Adrian Casey, from Unique Copiers, said: “It has been an absolute joke.

“In the past we have had to take socks and shoes off, hike trousers up and wade through dirty water to get in, we have had to get 12 members of staff to climb through the car to the front door and we’ve often had to send staff home because the flooding has been that bad.

“The council has sent companies out to assess the situation and had cameras down the drains, they promised to sort it out years ago but still nothing.

“We’ve paid to replace tiles many times and it’s cost us thousands – I would estimate about £100,000 due to customers who can’t get into the building, damaged stock and that sort of thing.”

Mr Casey’s business has been running for more than 30 years and supplies copying equipment and maintenance contracts to schools and businesses.

In the seven years the firm has been based there the water has come inside the building in excess of 30 times and every time it rains one foot of water blocks the entrance.

Mr Casey said despite reporting it over 100 times and promises from council staff that solutions will be found, nothing has been done.

He believes it has not been worth claiming on his insurance as the cost of insurance would then go up – at times he has refused to pay rent but now says he is forced to take the matter to court.

“They’ve threatened the bailiffs when we stopped paying so I had to pay up as I have a business to run, even though they haven’t fixed anything,” he said.

“So I feel I’ve been left with no choice but to go to court.

“We have evidence, pictures, emails etc and I know other businesses around this estate suffer in the same way so I want to hear from them.

“Contact us and we’ll go through lawyers – we can all work together to help get these premises up to the legal standards.”

Nigel Newman, a spokesman for Telford & Wrekin Council said: “Telford & Wrekin Council as landlord have undertaken extensive work to resolve the issue of flooding at this estate. We appreciate the problems this causes for any business but understand that the remaining issues are caused by a pipe breakage near to the supermarket which is outside of our control. We have raised this with Severn Trent Water.

“We also have offered to review evidence of how the flooding has adversely affected the business, but to date no such evidence has been provided. This tenant’s lease expired in summer 2016.”

A Severn Trent spokesman said: “The pipe which is believed to be causing the issue is a private pipe and is not the responsibility of Severn Trent to repair. Telford and Wrekin Council have been in contact with us and we’ll offer advice and support if required.”