Radio club's seaside trip celebrates pioneer
Telford area amateur radio enthusiasts – who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their group – are travelling to the seaside for an annual jaunt to take part in a worldwide event celebrating the birth of radio pioneer Marconi.
Telford and District Amateur Radio Society, which is based in Little Wenlock, will be at Tywyn, North Wales, on April 26 to 27 when members will link up over the airwaves with enthusiasts from across the world.
International Marconi Day is a 24-hour amateur radio event which celebrates the huge part Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio and is usually held on the Saturday closest to Marconi’s birthday in 1874, which this year falls on April 27.
The society will be setting up a special radio station on a site which has a part in the Marconi story, as Tywyn was used as an early Marconi radio station early in the 20th century.
Club secretary John Humphreys of Wellington said: "We are looking forward to this year's memorial station, which will remind the world of the work of Marconi actually on the site of the receiving stations buildings, now aptly named Marconi Bungalows.
"We have a good relationship with the owners to be able to put our radio station on air for this special event. We do welcome visitors on the 27th but please follow instructions from members on the site.
"It’s an important year for us too, because through 2019 we are celebrating 50 years of Telford and District Radio Society.
"Please look out for TDARS around Telford as well this year and any former members are welcome to get back in contact with us to help celebrate one of Telford’s longest running societies."
John said he could be contacted on 07824 737716.