Shropshire Star

Telford & Wrekin: Survey quizzes residents on healthy eating challenges

Residents are being asked about the biggest challenges they face in eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, as part of a council survey.

Telford & Wrekin Council

Telford & Wrekin Council have launched their healthy weight survey to help shape a healthy weight strategy and policy for the future.

The effects of cost-of-living crisis forms part of the survey, as does encouraging children to eat a nutritional diet.

“In Telford and Wrekin, there are higher than average levels of adults and children who are overweight,” says the survey.

“Being overweight can have a negative impact on both your physical and mental health. It is important to get a better understanding from our communities, residents and partners on what are the main challenges to healthy weight and what services would be most beneficial.”

In the survey participants are asked if being healthy is important to them and if they feel confident managing their weight.

Residents are then asked if they have tried to lose weight in the past and if they are aware of or used Telford & Wrekin Council or NHS programmes.

The survey then asks residents to highlight their biggest challenges to eating a healthy diet and being physically active.

Survey participants are also asked if they have been discriminated against because of their weight. Also highlighted in the survey is the increased cost in food prices over the last 12 months and the impact that has had on buying products.

The understanding of children’s nutritional needs and the help parents have received in supporting healthy behaviour is also addressed in the survey.

Parents are also asked how children can be encouraged to eat well and become more physically active. Who parents would seek advice from if they were worried about their child’s weight is another question raised.

Kelly Middleton, cabinet member for healthy, safer and stronger communities and partnerships, says the survey results will help influence the council’s strategy.

She said: “We want the support we give to help people to maintain a healthy weight to be even better.

“By collecting feedback from our residents, we can truly understand what matters to most.

“What we are told will influence our strategy and services designed to support people to maintain a healthy weight in the future.

“Many of us will have had experiences trying to lose or gain weight, so we want to hear from as many people as possible – you don’t have to have used a service in the past.

“We want to hear from all our communities, residents, and partners on this subject.

“All the responses will help us to make Telford and Wrekin a place where people from all backgrounds feel safe and live long, happy lives.”

You can take part in the survey online by visiting:

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