Shropshire Star

Ban for drink driver who hit cyclist - but his disqualification looks set to be 'academic'

A drink driver who hit a cyclist on a zebra crossing has been banned from the road, but has no interest in driving again.

Last updated
Francis Doyle admitted drink-driving

It took eight months for Francis Doyle to be sentenced after he first admitted drink-driving and driving without due care and attention back in March last year.

The offences dated back to June 23 2022 when the 54-year-old was driving a Vauxhall Astra along Trench Lock, Telford, at 7.35am when the victim was crossing the road.

Prosecutor, Mrs Virinder Bains, told Kidderminster Magistrates on Saturday that Doyle "didn't accelerate but didn't make any attempt to stop".

She said that all the victim remembers of the incident was going "over the top of the vehicle, in the air" before landing near it.

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