Shropshire Star

Volunteer-run preserved railway's new road crossing complete

Volunteers are celebrating the completion of a new crossing at a preserved railway - but say there is still a lot of work to do.


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Telford Steam Railway's Horsehay base, which was recently targeted by vandals who destroyed a signal box, has had its original crossing removed and replaced, making it easier for volunteers to restore its vehicles.

New crossing
New rail crossing at Telford Steam Railway

The crossing replacement over Pool Side cost the steam railway more than £40,000, and has been paid for by donations and revenue brought in by the volunteer-run organisation.

Bosses said the work would benefit residents as well as the railway, who can now transport ‘bogeyed’ vehicles into their shed for restoration - for example, a 60ft coach.

The railway's previous road crossing wasn't straight, and so some vehicles couldn't be transported inside the shed.

Despite completion of the road crossing, volunteer Doug Studdart said there is still much to do.

He said: "We are very pleased with the crossing being completed within the timescale set. The residents should appreciate the new crossing now not having any raised rails, and it is safer for foot and bike crossing.

"There is still remedial and cosmetic work to be completed either side of the road, but it will be good for a few years to come.

"There's still a lot of work to do within the shed and off-road area.

"Drains are going in, and water pipes and fences will be replaced."