Work to improve Ironbridge's sewer system delayed amid tourism concerns
A £3 million project to improve Ironbridge’s sewer network has been delayed until later this year.
The new sewer pipe network was set to be installed by Severn Trent Water from March, but concerned business owners asked that the work be delayed after being hit hard by the lack of tourism during renovations to the Iron Bridge last year.
Now the project will start in September, and will see work done in the area along Waterloo Street, across the Free Bridge and along the Severn Valley Way on the south bank.
Plans are still in their early stages with details of closures not decided, but a stakeholder meeting will be held for members of the community in April.
Carol Bloor, community officer for Severn Trent, said: “We’ve seen in recent months and years that the sewer pipe network in Ironbridge is in need of a bit of TLC, so we need to get into the area to work to make sure there are no more issues in future.
“To do this, we’ll be installing a new resilience pipe which will allow the waste water to be taken away safely while we refurbish and improve the current system.
"We think that working with the local community when we do work like this is extremely important as they obviously know the area much better than we do and can advise on the best way to do the work with the absolute minimum disruption.
"We listened to the concerns raised by local stakeholders and were determined to do everything possible to help find a better solution to get the work done."
See also:
Crowds and BBC One Show gather to mark end of work on Iron Bridge
Some business owners in Ironbridge said they had seen losses of up to 80 per cent while the Iron Bridge was being renovated.
They said that although 2018 had been tough, the work to repair and restore the bridge would be worth it in the long run.
But at a meeting in December, they asked that the new sewage work was postponed to avoid further difficulties during the spring and summer.
Councillor Nicola Lowery, ward member for the Ironbridge Gorge, said: “It is essential that the works are carried out in a way which limits disruption. I am therefore delighted that Severn Trent Water has listened to the representations made and has agreed to delay the works until September.”