Walking and cycling the answer to parking problems - Newport mayor
The mayor of Newport has suggested a solution to its parking problem – more walking and cycling.
Councillor Peter Scott said issues with a lack of parking in Newport could be solved if more people walked into the town rather than choosing to drive.
It comes after years of complaints about the pressure on spaces within the town, especially at peak times and around schools.
Councillor Scott said: "It's healthy, free, easy to do and most of us can do it. You can lose weight too.
"Let's leave the car park spaces for those really need them: the elderly and the disabled.
"Parents can park on Shuker Close or the Rugby Club and walk your children into school.
"If we made the leap to try walking more, it might surprise you. Make the time and give it a try."
Alternative ideas such as new car parks were unlikely to happen, Councillor Scott said.
"Multi-storey car parks, park and rides and underground parking just aren't going to happen," he said. "Walking and cycling are the answers. It's not suitable for everyone, but more could do it. Be part of the solution."
Councillor Scott started a walking club in the town back in January,
It was started to help older people lose weight and get more exercise, but was then opened up to everybody after it proved a big success.
The Newport Community Walking Group meet on Thursdays and Sunday. For more information search Newport Community Walking Group on Facebook.
Short stay parking will soon be implemented on parts of Stafford Street Car Park.
Those using the short stay section will need to get a free ticket. If they stay over their time limit, they risk a fine.
It is similar to a successful scheme which was started in Wellington, where people were parking on short stay car parks and then getting the train to Birmingham for the day.
It is hoped the ticketing machine in Newport will increase the turnover of shoppers in the area.