Efforts to turn Newport into Telford's first 'tree town' begin - with aim to plant 1,000 trees
Efforts to turn Newport into Telford's first 'Tree Town' have begun.
Councillor Peter Scott, mayor of the town, has joined forces with the local Scouts, Guides, Beavers and Cubs to begin a Newport Tree Project which aims to plant and grow1,000 trees in the area.
It is hoped that Newport will become the capital for this sort of effort against climate change, and that other areas will start to follow suit.
Councillor Scott said: “We are always being challenged about doing things to help with climate change. I wanted to do something that would be fun and still help the planet.
"We all know that trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. The fruit and seeds are there to be picked now and then planted out at a later date. I am very encouraged by the response from the Scout movement. The project will show the town that our young people are keen to do their bit for our planet.
"I would encourage all local families to plant up some seeds. Newport can become the first Tree Town in the borough”.
Fruit and seed picking trips are organised and then a mass potting exercise will take place. It is hoped the volunteers will be planting out from next year.
Councillor Scott said: “It’s a long term project but to think that our youngsters can plant trees in Newport that will be around for hundreds of years is exciting. I am hoping other towns and villages will follow suit."
It comes days after Telford & Wrekin Liberal Democrats announced they had paid to have 175 trees plants in order to offset the carbon footprint built up during their election campaign. The party decided to make the purchase through the Eden Reforestation Project, which seeks to plant a minimum of 500 million trees each year.
Councillor Thomas Janke, who also represents Newport, said: "We have carefully calculated our local party’s carbon footprint with regards to printing, mileage and energy used prior to and during the election campaign.
"This is just one of a number of ideas we have in regards of tackling the climate emergency – we want to set the right example for now and future generations to come.”