Shropshire Star

Night fishing set to be allowed permanently at pool near Newport

Night fishing will be permanently allowed at a Shropshire pool after the owner reassured the borough council that historical noise complaints are no longer a problem.

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Night fishing is now allowed permanently at Howle Pool, near Newport. Picture: Google Maps

The owner of Howle Pool, near Newport, was granted a one-year licence for use of the pond for night fishing in January last year.

Applicant Peter Jones says that the trial period had been ‘extremely successful for all concerned’.

Historical applications for night fishing at the pool had been refused by the council on noise grounds and a subsequent appeal was also dismissed.

This was due to concerns that night fishing would have an impact on ‘living conditions’ of those living in neighbouring properties and their proximity of the original car park to residents.

As part of last year’s planning permission previous agricultural land was changed to form a car park.

The plans included reducing night fishing from a potential of 32 to nine ‘improved pegs’ with dedicated parking away from residents.

Mr Jones said that the new access and car parking ‘have worked well’ during the last 12 months and ‘eliminated’ all noise and inconvenience.

“A combination of reduction in pegs, targeting more professional anglers and the environment which has been created has resulted in a more pleasing aspect around the pool,” he added.

Mr Jones added that secure gating had been installed and the presence of a fishery manager allowed regular customers to alert them to any suspicious activity around the pool.

Telford & Wrekin Council has approved permanent night fishing at eight pegs and a ninth peg available for use between 8am until 8pm due to its proximity to residential properties.

No guests will be allowed at night ‘to limit noise generation’ due to historic neighbour concerns about noise. Conditions are also in place around the use of audio equipment, bite alarms, and lighting.

Access and egress from the site is at midday for anyone wishing to fish at night.

“This removes vehicle noise from sensitive times of the day, a time window condition will duly remain in place relating to arrivals and departures for those using the site at night, with no engines to be turned on (no idling etc) between appropriate hours,” concluded the council’s planning officer.

“The previous application provided betterment to the access arrangement and remains through this current application pertaining to the permanency of the permission.

“Notably, the local planning authority have not received any planning enforcement complaints relating to the site over this time (temporary night-time fishing licence for one year).

“With no objection raised by the parish council, nor neighbour representation further to consultation locally, given the mitigation measures for the development remaining in place, the removal of the condition (restricting nighttime fishing to one year) is considered acceptable.”