Shropshire Star

Nature, architecture and more in stunning images captured by the stars of Newport Photographic Club

Newport Photographic Club members have had their focus on a number of competitions and talks as they celebrate 40 years.

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Red Necker Falcon by Philip Green

The club had talks on architectural photography and double exposure techniques plus a competition against Tettenhall Photographic Club.

10K Runner at the Mill, by John Ridgway
4 Hands, 1 Piano by Edward Kosinski
Arran by Rob Gormley
Been Round The Block One or Twice by John Ridgway
Birmingham Skyline from the Library by Caron Malcolm
Busy Whitethroat Male by Tony Errington
Canary Shouldered Thorn Moth by Bill Spencer
Caught on Camera by Howard Broadbent
Come Home To Roost by Edward Kosinski
Cross Orb Weaver Spider by Stephen Haycock
Eyes on the Ball by Norman O'Neill
French Partridge by Steve Rex
High Tide by Philip Green
Kate Couriel by Alan Gripton
Kestrel With Kill by Andy Brooks
Lily Pond, Bodnant by John Ridgway
Red Necker Falcon by Philip Green
Splash of Yellow by Maria Macklin
Stairs or Lift by Phil Danby
The Flower seller by Rob Gormley
The Greek Theatre Taormina, by Edward Kosinski
Three Great Friends, by Alan Gripton
Three of a Kind by Andy Brooks
Tulip Demise by Norman O'Neill
UK Expo 2022 Pavilion by Maria Macklin
Waiting in the Rain by Ian Garnham
What You Lookin' At? by Brian Truslove

The club also took part in an interclub competition with 10 other groups in Shropshire and came joint first.

It has staged a continuous slide show at The Hub in Newport and a display at the Guildhall as part of its 40th anniversary celebrations.

Members also took part in their second open competition of the year which was judged by Dave McGuire and Ralph Duckett.

The Advanced Prints was won by Norman O’Neill with Tulip Demise with Phil Green taking second and third with High Tide and Red Necked Falcon in Flight.

Maria Macklin was fourth with UK Expo 2022 Pavilion and Howard Broadbent fifth with Caught on Camera.

The Greek Theatre Taormina, by Edward Kosinski

In the Advanced PDIs section, Edward Kosinski won with The Greek Theatre Taormina. Runner-up was Andy Brooks with Three of a Kind and Norman O’Neill was third with Eyes on the Ball. Andy Brooks (Kestrel With Kill), Bill Spencer (Canary Shouldered Thorn Moth) and Alan Gripton (Kate Couriel) made up the top six.

Arran by Rob Gormley

For Intermediate Prints, Rob Gormley won with Arran while John Ridgway (Lily Pond, Bodnant) and John Ridgway (Been Round the Block Once or Twice) were second and third. Brian Truslove (What You Lookin’ At?), Caron Malcolm (Birmingham Skyline from the Library) and Rob Gormley (The Flower Seller) made up the top six.

Stairs or Lift by Phil Danby

In the Intermediate PDIs section, Phil Danby (Stairs or Lift) won, with Stephen Haycock (Cross Orb Weaver Spider), Ian Garnham (Waiting in the Rain) and Phil Danby (Charlie) making up the top four. John Ridgway (10k Runner at the Mill) and Tony Errington (Busy Male Whitethroat) secured top six spots.

Busy Whitethroat Male by Tony Errington

The club is planning a number of events this year to celebrate its anniversary and past members of the club have been invited to get involved by emailing The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm at Weston Hall, Harper Adams University. For more details, visit