Letter: Farage is so feared by the elite
The man most feared by the British establishment is Nigel Farage, they shudder at the very thought of Nigel being in a position to upset their status quo is their worst nightmare.
The suggestion by Donald Trump that he be made British Ambassador to the United States was immediately stamped on by our government, this does not bode well for any future meeting with our current ambassador and any trade agreement being reached.
The very thought of a normal member of the public getting into such a high office without belonging to the old boy network is totally abhorrent to their way of doing things.
Nigel would bring a gale not a breath of fresh air to this antediluvian and cobwebbed establishment quango.
This is the type of thing that Trump wants to get rid of, he calls it a swamp and is going to drain it.
Our establishment should know by now that they are skating on very thin ice, and an upheaval at the next general election could sweep a lot of them away. But, there is none so blind as those that cannot see, it is a pity we do not have just two or three more people like Nigel Farage who will come forward and stick their head above the parapet and take on the current establishment.
At some time in the future it will happen, and civil strife could force the government to be far more amenable to listening and acting to what the public demand.
The referendum in June may have changed the way that the public look at our MPs and the running of this country. If Brexit does not happen, then that alone could bring down the government and the establishment, they go against the will of the British people at their peril.
K Beddis, Yockleton
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