Shropshire Star

Letter: The public does not have a right to change its mind over Brexit vote

I am 76 and in every election I can remember there have been winners and losers – the majority vote being the winners – it is the British democratic process!


There was nothing ambiguous about the referendum, nothing dubious, obscure, confusing or doubtful, it was a clear choice of stay in or get out.

The government clearly dispensed with detail, they could not spell out any dangers of leaving without also explaining the consequences of staying – staying to be controlled by unelected foreigners forever.

I voted out because I believe the majority of our MPs, MEPs, Peers of the Realm, Civil Servants, the BBC and the establishment in general have been bought and paid for by Brussels for many, many years and the referendum result indicates that many others thought the same.

Robin Lloyd of Ellesmere believes that the British public should be allowed to change it's mind – it should not – it is a foolish notion – does he mean we keep on voting until we arrive at a result that suits him?

Robin's maths is has poor has his politics, he agrees that the majority who voted in Shropshire voted to leave but he cannot find any.

I can tell him that Oswestry is full of them, the problem is that it is also full of EU members from Europe via the most totally foolish 'Freedom of Movement' policy you could ever imagine. It has turned our island into a multi-national meatball where nobody feels safe!

Bob Wydell, Oswestry

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