Letter: Politicians have forgotten they were elected to look after us
On December 14 our Prime Minister, Theresa May, said in the House of Commons "Britain should be proud of spending £12 billion a year on overseas aid". Why?
Does she really believe that the vulnerable people in the UK who are suffering because of cut backs in spending on the NHS, care programmes and sheltered accommodation feel "proud" that they are paying for the high life of despots in overseas countries.
Our politicians appear to have forgotten that they were elected to look after the British electorate. They prefer to waste our hard-earned money on dubious schemes outside the UK which cannot provide an audit trail.
The lack of an audit trail perhaps gives us a clue as to why the aid givers enjoy throwing our money around.
We all know of the use of bribes in international contracts. Is it beyond imagination that the actual person handing out the aid does not benefit personally from his decision?
Why else could there be no audit trail for giving our money away?
We should be spending our tax money on our own vulnerable people. We should not give anymore money to overseas aid until we know exactly how last year's aid was spent.
But this will not happen because, to those enjoying a cushioned life inside the Westminster bubble, the British people only matter at election time.
Theresa does not mind because, to her, the vulnerable British people just do not matter.
Denis Allen, Wellington
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