Shropshire Star

Letter: Reap rewards of leaving EU

On a day when two depressing unidentified Remainers warn us through the letters page of the Shropshire Star that Brexit is gambling with the future of the UK and that we will soon become a laughing stock, I was heartened to see in the business press that an influential group which represents banks, finance firms and professional services and which was previously firmly in the Remain camp has done a U-turn.


The group now expresses a strong belief in the opportunities which will be generated by the UK's exit from the EU pointing out that membership has actually been a 'straitjacket' holding the UK back from developing relationships with the rest of the world. In this context it is forecast that over the next 15 years 90 per cent of global growth will occur outside Europe.

In the same business news I see that a prominent UK bank has carried out a survey of its farming customers to find that the majority expect Brexit will give them more opportunities to export and with less bureaucracy. They consider that it provides a unique opportunity to develop a new strategic framework for UK agriculture.

Against this changing but positive background it is a pity that Remainers still seem intent on frustrating the Brexit process. Sadly this will serve only to prolong and intensify the present period of uncertainty which is obviously not in the national interest.

Michael Hughes, Shrewsbury

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