Letter: We want politicians to tells us like it is, not what they want us to hear
I do not condone the sexist, racist remarks that have been at the centre of Donald Trump's campaign to become President of the United States.

However, he is a man that speaks as he sees it, his views are of the world as it is and his policies to create a fairer and safer society are plain to understand. My word, it compares with the audacious and condescending attitude of Tony Blair.
Who does he think he is? What does he represent but a figurehead of the institutional elite, the type of which the UK public have voted against in the referendum, he is a multi millionaire (made by the abuse of his position of authority being used after his dismissal by the voters of this country).
If he doesn't like what the British people have democratically voted for then I suggest he leave us alone.
What we need is for people in authority to give it to us as we see it, not what they want us to hear. This failure to speak from the heart is seen throughout our nation, even in our own community.
We were told the maternity and children's centre at PRH, costing £28 million, should be built in Telford based on clinical need, now we are told it will be moved to Shrewsbury.
We were told that the Malling Walk in Clinic would be closed because it would cost £500,000 to refurbish it, now we're told by the chief officer of the Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group that their surplus this year will be £1m.
We were told by the chairman of the CCG that the closure of the walk in centre would probably not make any difference, I wonder if the 8,000 patients who now don't have a GP would see it that way.
Now the Shropshire CCG have admitted their deficit this year will amount to some £23.5m and yet the newly-appointed chief officer today says that "The future looks bright."
We don't yet have a Trump in this country and maybe our culture doesn't need or want one, but it would be nice to see someone in authority have the strength of character and commitment to tell us things as we see them not what they want us to hear.
Brian Taylor, Muxton
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