Shropshire Star

Hustings planned for North Shropshire MP hopefuls

Candidates to become North Shropshire's MP will debate their policies at a public hustings later this month.

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The two-hour event will take place at Market Drayton's Festival Drayton Centre from 6.15pm on Monday, June 17.

The candidates will have the chance to debate their policies and answer questions from the audience during the public meeting.

North Shropshire’s parliamentary candidates attending are Simon Baynes – Conservative, Craig Emery – Green, Helen Morgan – Liberal Democrat, and Natalie Rowley – Labour.

The event will see the candidates introduced to the stage in order of each party’s presentation – to be determined in advance by draw.

Chris Eldon Lee, formerly of BBC Radio Shropshire, will be chairing proceedings throughout.

Each candidate will initially have a maximum of three minutes to present their case, followed by questions from the chair to all candidates.

They will be followed by open questions from the audience, before candidates are given three minutes to sum up at the end.

There is no admission charge for the event, which is being hosted by local community groups Market Drayton Community Enterprise and Market Drayton Climate Action.

For people unable to unable to attend event, it is intended to post a video recording of the meeting online.

The other candidates standing are Samiel Cladingbowl - independent, and Mark Whittle - Reform UK.