Shropshire Star

Watch as Shropshire MP swears oath of allegiance to take his seat

South Shropshire's new MP has been sworn in to take his seat in the House of Commons.


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Stuart Anderson took over from long serving Ludlow MP Philip Dunne when he narrowly won in the General Election against a strong Lib Dem challenge.

It has been a busy few days for the new MPs and Mr Anderson has been appointed Opposition Deputy Chief Whip.

He was one of the MPs to go to the House of Lords, where he received a message from the King asking them to elect a speaker.

They then returned to the Commons and immediately begin the process of doing so.

On Tuesday , Mr Anderson was sworn in as the Member of Parliament for South Shropshire, taking the Oath of Allegiance in the House of Commons.

Members of both Houses of Parliament are required, by law, to take an Oath of Allegiance to the Crown.

They cannot take their seat, speak in debates, or vote in Parliament without having done so. This is known as ‘swearing in.’

Mr Anderson, who grew up in nearby Herefordshire before joining the Army, said that it was a ‘poignant’ moment when he took the Oath of Allegiance on the floor of the House of Commons.

He added that he is fully dedicated to being a strong voice for South Shropshire in Parliament and to delivering for his constituents.

Mr Anderson said: “I was humbled to take the Oath of Allegiance on the floor of the House of Commons, where I was officially sworn in as the new Member of Parliament for South Shropshire.

"The sacred text of the Oath is a poignant reminder of the immense privilege of being an MP.

"I am grateful to fellow residents across South Shropshire for their support and for giving me this opportunity to be our area’s representative in Parliament.”

The wording of the Oath comes from the Promissory Oaths Act 1868. It says: “I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.”

He has also been appointed as Opposition Deputy Chief Whip by Conservative Leader, Rishi Sunak.

It means he will be part of a team with the Conservative Leader, alongside Stuart Andrew as Shadow Chief Whip, and fellow Deputy Rebecca Harris, to help oversee the transition of the Party into Opposition as a leadership election takes place.

As Opposition Deputy Chief Whip, Stuart will share responsibility for organising the Conservative Party’s contribution in Parliament.

A member of His Majesty's Official Opposition, Stuart will work with fellow Conservative MPs to question and scrutinise the work of the Government.

He said: “As Rishi Sunak said, it is important that the Conservative Party rebuilds and takes up its crucial role in opposition professionally and effectively.

"We will be a force for good in Parliament, standing up for lower taxes, dignity in retirement, protection for the greenbelt, safer streets, free trade and free speech, and backing businesses - large and small.

"I will work with fellow Conservative MPs to hold the Government to account, so that it delivers on the priorities of those who have elected us, including in South Shropshire.”

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