Shropshire Star

What are the principles for Sustainable Powys?

Future Powys County Council (PCC) services will be centred on four towns as the authority outlines a radical shake up of provision.


Agreeing the principles of ‘Sustainable Powys’ is the first step in explaining how the council will provide its services in the future.

It will see the county divided into four quadrants called ‘core areas’ by the council which will be centred on Brecon, Llandrindod Wells, Newtown, and Welshpool.

Residents living an hour away, including children, will be expected to travel to these towns to access council services.

Work on the project has already been going on for 18 months,

The report explained that ‘place-based planning’ helped the council divide the county into “manageable areas for services” and for collaborating with communities and partners.

The model is already used with the council having split the county into 13 “localities” based on its market towns.

The 13 localities will be now fit into the quadrants.

The report said: “We will provide a hub in each of the four core areas – anything else will only be provided if there is an approved business case to support it.

“We will use schools and other community assets wherever we can for

community-based solutions and services.

“Travel times can be up to one hour to your nearest hub even if you are a child.”

The principles explain that service provision must be “digitally supported” and public and community transport must “align” in each locality to the hub.

The other principles are:

• Being open minded and seeking innovative solutions.

• Delivering best possible outcomes through transformation to provide better quality services.

• Using evidence – better to understand need and model future demand.

• A continual process of learning and adapting to meet existing and long-term needs.

• Engaging early with people in agreeing, designing and delivering approaches so we listen, understand, reflect and feedback

• Addressing the fundamental question: why do we do what we do?

• A strategic whole system approach, with partners, communities and the people of Powys

• Delivering outcomes that are affordable or no cost.

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