Shropshire Star

Latest General Election opinion polls forecasting two Shropshire seats to switch hands

Here's what the latest polls are predicting for the General Election results in Shropshire.

Last updated
The people of Shropshire will go to the polls on July 4 to select their next MP. Photo: Rui Vieira/PA Wire

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak put an end to months of speculation by calling a General Election last month, meaning the people of Shropshire will go to the polls on July 4 to select their next MPs.

Shropshire's voters are split between five constituencies and all but one of the five seats are currently held by the Conservatives.

But with opinion polls predicting a Labour landslide nationally, what are they currently forecasting for Shropshire?

It's worth noting that opinion polls don't always give an accurate representation - many of us will remember how wrong they got it back in 2015.

All opinion polls will differ somewhat because data is gathered by interviewing different people.

We've used data from, a website that compiles multiple projections from different polling organisations.

Nationally, polls are showing Labour to take 393 seats at the General Election, with the Conservatives taking 192, Lib Dems 28, SNP 17, Green 1 and 19 'other'. But what about closer to home?

North Shropshire

The Lib Dem's Helen Morgan is predicted to hold the North Shropshire seat that she won from the Conservatives back in 2021. Photo: Jacob King/PA Wire