Shropshire Star

'She's done more in two years than Conservatives did in 20!' Former Tory councillor backs Lib Dem

A prominent county councillor and former Conservative has endorsed Liberal Democrat Helen Morgan as ‘the choice for Market Drayton’ at the General Election.


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Councillor David Minnery sits as an Independent on Shropshire Council but is throwing his weight behind the Liberal Democrat campaign in North Shropshire.

A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats says Mrs Morgan has been working hard to tackle key issues in Market Drayton such as the poor transport links, patchy phone signal and outdated sports facilities.

She has also sought to protect Damson Wood from development after visiting the site with Councillor Minnery and meeting many local residents who are desperate to keep the space open for public use.

Councillor Minnery says he has spent a "huge part" of his life serving the people of Market Drayton, including decades as a Conservative, and he believes that Mrs Morgan’s hard work for the area shows she is the "best choice for the local community" at the General Election.

The councillor for Market Drayton West said: “I’ve voted Conservative for 42 years but I will be supporting Helen Morgan on July 4.

“Helen is hard-working, local and incredibly active both in the community and in Parliament.

“Helen has already achieved more in two years than the Conservatives did in 20. It’s crucial she is re-elected so that she can keep up the hard work on our behalf.

“If you care about Market Drayton and you care about Shropshire then Helen is the only choice for you.”

Helen Morgan, Liberal Democrat candidate for North Shropshire, said: “David has spent decades working for the local community so I’m delighted to have his support.

“We both care passionately about improving Market Drayton for all who live in the area, whether that’s protecting community spaces, boosting our transport links or sorting out the sport facilities.

“There’s a lot of work to be done and I’m determined to keep working with the local community to make sure it gets the support it needs.

“The choice at the General Election is between a local MP who cares about the area or going back to being taken for granted by the Conservatives.”