Shropshire Star

North Shropshire general election result: Thumping win for Lib Dems as Helen Morgan extends majority

After winning North Shropshire in one of the country's most famous by-elections Lib Dem Helen Morgan repeated the feat for the General Election – with a hugely increased majority.

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Mrs Morgan won the seat back in 2021 in a by-election forced after Conservative Owen Paterson's resignation over a lobbying scandal.

After service two years in parliament Mrs Morgan will now have a full-term, with 26,214 North Shropshire voters giving her their backing – extending her majority from 5,925 to more than 14,000.

The result was a resounding victory, with Conservative Simon Baynes finishing a distant second with 10,903 votes.

As elsewhere in the county and the country the Reform vote provide significant, with 7,687 people voting for the party's candidate Mark Whittle.

Delivering a victory speech to jubilant supporters Mrs Morgan described it as a "historic evening for the Liberal Democrats".

Helen Morgan has won North Shropshire again

Addressing the voters she said: "Thank you for talking to me about your lives and your communities, for sharing your experiences and your worries and your hopes for the future.

"I've spoken to families and pensioners who have struggled to make ends meet, small business owners at the heart of the local economy who need your support, and I've met hundreds of people who are waiting for weeks to see a GP or an NHS dentist, or have a traumatic experience with our under-resourced accident and emergency care service.

"People of all walks of life have been taken for granted and let down again and again by an out-of-touch Conservative government, but tonight they have made their views clear."

During her speech Mrs Morgan also reflected on her leader, Ed Davey's campaigning antics – and the serious ambitions to tackle important issues.

She said: "I also want to thank Ed Davey who has led from the front throughout this campaign, whether charming alpacas here in Clive or paddle-boarding in Windermere he has injected some much-needed fun into this campaign. While also putting front and centre the urgent crisis in the NHS and the need for reform of our care system."

Helen Morgan with her Lib Dem team

Speaking after the result Mrs Morgan said she was thrilled at the victory.

She said: "I am obviously delighted with the result, it is really good to have people tell you that they think you have done a good job for the last two years and they are going to put their faith in you for the next term.

"It is a brilliant win for the whole team who worked hard, not just in the campaign but for the last two years, so I am really pleased for them. It is great for the Liberal Democrats nationally as well."

Asked why she believed her campaign had been successful Mrs Morgan said: "Listening to people and fighting on the issues that matter most to them. I have tried really hard to represent North Shropshire and not follow my own interests or political objectives. That is my job and I take it really seriously and work really hard to achieve that."

She said the focus would be on the NHS for the coming parliament – on urgent care in the county, as well as access to GPs and dentists.

Mr Whittle also hailed his party's success in securing more than 7,000 votes.

He said: "From a three-week start I think it is brilliant and shows how many people in North Shropshire are behind us."

Mr Whittle said the support for Reform showed the major parties would have to address the issues of immigration.

He said: "Ignoring us for the last three weeks is what the government and TV and press has done. This has given them a swift boot where it hurts because if this was proportional representation we would probably be the second main party."

The full results were as follows

Simon Baynes - Conservative: 10,903

Samuel Cladingbowl - Independent: 133

Craig Emergy - Green Party: 1,234

Helen Morgan - Liberal Democrats: 26,214

Natalie Rowley - Labour: 3,423

Mark Whittle - Reform UK: 7,687