Shropshire Star

'Too many flats!' Neighbours react to plans to turn derelict Grade II listed Telford pub into homes

Neighbours of a grand but long-disused and derelict Telford pub have reacted to the plans to turn the faded Grade II listed building into flats.

Last updated
Plans have been submitted to turn the former Beacon Inn on Ironbridge Road, Madeley, into flats

The historic Beacon Inn on Ironbridge Road in Madeley has been standing empty for almost five years.

Last month, new plans for the building were revealed, which could see the former pub turned into nine one-bedroom flats - while another seven one-bedroom flats would be built on the site from scratch.

The plans revealed the dilapidated state the 17th century building is now in, with a report of lead work theft from the roof that had resulted in significant water damage.