Shropshire Star

Locals will be prioritised for affordable homes, insists association behind 24 new homes in village

A housing association behind a controversial affordable homes development has stressed that local residents will be favoured in the application process.

Last updated
Mr Alan Wilson of Edgmond Parish Council; Mr Julian Brunger, parish council member; Rachel Wood, senior regeneration officer at GSA; and Andy Edwards, director at Upper Langley Homes

Developer Upper Langley Homes is building 24 affordable properties on a site in Edgmond, near Newport, which the housing association GreenSquareAccord (GSA) will take ownership of in early 2025.

The development, which is adjacent to the Edgmond Lion pub, will provide homes available for rent and under a low-cost homeownership scheme.

The plan was given the go-ahead last year, despite scores of objections from residents, after the council agreed that the benefits outweighed the harm.

Now, GSA has confirmed that the nominations process for rented properties will favour applicants from within the village and the wider community with a local connection.

The confirmation came as the village received a new vehicle speed awareness sign, as part of the highway works.