Shropshire Star

Appeal lodged against sentence given to Irish soldier who assaulted woman

The appeal against the three-year suspended sentence for Cathal Crotty has been lodged on the basis of undue leniency.

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A member of the Defence Forces wearing white gloves

Ireland’s Director of Public Prosecutions has lodged an appeal against the sentence given to an Irish soldier for the assault of a woman in a random attack.

Cathal Crotty, with an address at Parkroe Heights, Ardnacrusha, Co Clare, pleaded guilty to assaulting Natasha O’Brien in Limerick in 2022.

The 22-year-old, who is a serving member of the Defence Forces, walked free from court after being given a three-year suspended sentence for the attack.

Crotty was also ordered to pay Ms O’Brien 3,000 euro in compensation.

The DPP’s appeal against the sentence was lodged on Friday on the basis of undue leniency.

The case has sparked protests in Irish cities, outside the Irish parliament and Limerick’s district court, and put pressure on the Irish government and the Defence Forces.

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