Shropshire Star

Buy George

Obviously every journalist worth their salt is bitter and twisted that George Osborne can stroll into the Editor’s chair on the London ‘Standard’ while holding down five other jobs, least of which is being an MP.

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George Osborne

The ex-Chancellor with the most infuriating smirk in politics is looking forward to using his new job to snipe at Theresa May and fight against Brexit.

George Osborne’s tragedy is that he is not as clever as he thinks he is.

He was a disappointing Chancellor known mainly for the ‘omnishambles’ where he tried to tax Cornish pasties. And his EU referendum scare tactics backfired spectacularly.

Why greedy American asset-managers BlackRock want to pay him £650,000 a year is beyond me.

I suspect his tenure at the ‘Standard’ will be short-lived and won’t end happily either for George or the Russian oligarch who owns it.