Shropshire Star

Talking Telford: Sticking up for our much-maligned town, roundabouts and all

Get out the tiny violins, because I’d like to talk briefly about one of the pressures that comes with being a columnist - finding something to talk about each week.

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There's nothing ugly about the Iron Bridge in winter

Being able to put together several hundred words on a given subject in a coherent and (hopefully) entertaining manner to a regular schedule is harder than it might sound. Honest!

If this sounds like whining, I should be clear that I’m always grateful for this platform and recognise the inherent privilege - it’s just that some weeks, picking a subject I can get a neat few hundred words out of to a standard I’m happy with (all on top of my day job) can be taxing.

This was not one of those weeks. From the minute The Telegraph newspaper pulled the figurative pin on its list of “Britain’s prettiest and ugliest towns” which included Telford in the latter category, I started to worry whether I'd have enough words this week.