Shropshire Star

Peter Rhodes on keeping the horse, limitless power and an encounter with two old men

A survey by a car-leasing company reveals that most electric-vehicle drivers won't use their battery-powered cars for longer journeys - and half have a petrol or diesel model as a back-up for long trips.

Clean power for Scousers?

I'm reminded of the great technological leap forward more than 100 years ago when the rich were thrilled to buy one of the new horseless carriages, but not rash enough to sell the horse.

It is a curious thing that the one natural, clean, green and renewable source of energy in this country is the one we virtually ignore. We plough billions into wind farms and solar panels, even though sunshine is rare and winds die down, but ignore the massive, predictable power of tides around this island.

After tidal-power schemes in Somerset and Wales have been shelved, now comes news of plans for the world's largest tidal barrage. Spanning the River Mersey, it would generate enough energy to power the entire city of Liverpool. I expect it to vanish without trace.