Shropshire Star

Shropshire Star mobile phone signal and broadband survey: Take part and let us know your views

The Shropshire Star launched its Get Us Connected Campaign in 2014, calling for mobile phone companies to work harder to improve the signal in our county.


It came amid warnings that our economy was being severely handicapped by the inability to communicate.

The issue of mobile phone coverage mirrors that of broadband, with many rural areas of our region still struggling to connect to the online world we now live, work and play in.

Phone and broadband companies insist work is being done to connect Shropshire. Today we revisit the issue to find out just how much progress is being done.

We have launched this online survey asking you if the situation has improved ­ - or if you still feel cut off by living in our largely rural county. We also want to hear how you feel the situation impacts on you personally and on Shropshire and Mid Wales as a whole.

The results will give a snapshot of the situation. And we will also be revisiting a tour of the county we last completed in 2015 to find out for ourselves if anything has changed for the better.

You have a week to complete the survey. And don’t worry if your internet connection is too slow - you can also send them by mail by filling out the form in the Shropshire Star.