Shropshire Star

Letter: Time for a British National Anthem?

I agree with John Mayne (July 31) that a national anthem is important.


I agree with John Mayne (July 31) that a national anthem is important.

Why on earth would he want the British football team to sing for God to save a lady of German decent?

She is Hanoverian and her real name is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Also to send her victorious in war, to make her happy and glorious and for her to reign over us for a very long time?

Ryan Giggs is Welsh. Why would he want to sing the English national anthem?

He has a national anthem of his own. It describes the land of our fathers, the mountains, valleys and the lakes. It praises the people and their culture.

It does not pay homage to an unelected monarch.

It seems that the English national anthem was chosen to elevate a dubious monarchy and to keep the population subservient.

Perhaps it is time for a British National Anthem. One that appreciates and describes the beauty of our three countries.

One that recognises the three peoples and their cultures. One that unites us all.

Tom Williams

Sutton Hill


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