Letter: Cyclists in firing line over lanes
I write with regard to the grumbling cyclists, in Pymms Road on August 14, to point out to them that what they envisaged as cycle lanes are not cycle lanes at all, originally the metre-wide lanes on either side of the road were installed as a traffic calming exercise and painted red.
However, when the road was re-chipped the lines were returned and some over-zealous council worker painted cyclist signs, it was deemed by the council too expensive to remove the paint and so they have stayed in site.
Cyclists have no more right in those lanes than the residents who live in Pyms Road, indeed, before grumbling, do as suggested, check your Highway Code and query Shropshire Council.
You may have more right to grumble if you paid anything towards cost of highway maintenance, but then we would probably see even more on the pavement.
It is illegal for cyclists to ride on the pavement. I don't see motorists complaining when this happens, you do not have a given right to ignore the Highway Code, only horses have that right.
John Cobbold