Shropshire Star

Letter - Face the facts over pylons

Re the pylons saga. Being born many moons ago in a south Shropshire village, I still live local and love the countryside.


I was a pioneer of the building of the 400 KV supergrid in the 1960s, and it seems to me quite a lot of nonsense has been talked about this supposed to be new 400 KV line.

First, there is no 400 KV line to link up to in Shropshire, only a 275 KV to the north of Shrewsbury. As far as the power for a 400 KV line, Wylfa Nuclear Power Station in Anglesey only has one 400 KV line, same as many other power stations, so how many wind farms to produce such power.

When wind farms were first planned that was the time to come clean and let Joe Public know, they come with transmission lines to take power to the grid. As for some of the silly comments by Joe Public, if they had been opposing the supergrid in the 60s like now, the supergrid would have taken twice as long to build.

Two final points, first, we built lines across some lovely parts of the country but only one three-mile section went underground, that was across the Estuary at Porthmadog and that cost more than the whole rest of the line.

Second, the T-pylons as in a previous Star, we only built one mile section ever, where two circuits were on one arm to reduce the height. They were still pretty big pylons.

If the wind farms are built the transmission lines will be built, it is as simple as that.

M Morris, Ludlow

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